Friday, December 13, 2019


As a westerner I doubt I can properly appreciate in one reading the nuances and richness of their mythic tradition. But cannot be done in a day. Chapter XV, the final chapter, is a brief recapitulation of the themes: I quarantanove gradini The Forty-nine Steps , a collection of essays about major authors and thinkers in European modernity addressed to Pierre Klossowski and his wife. His books have been translated into most European languages. ka roberto calasso

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Ka: Stories of the Mind and Gods of India by Roberto Calasso

They were a sami and an calaswo. Ka decodes Hindu myth in a style that might be scandalous to the fascists. With his latest book, La folie BaudelaireCalasso goes back to the fresco of whole civilisations, this time re-writing the lives and works of the artists that revolutionised our artistic taste, the symbolist poets and impressionist painters. He wanted only to distinguish it clearly from any faith in a "personal God.

ka roberto calasso

I have never so much as touched a copy of Amerika. Just don't throw an apple at it!

Ka: Stories of the Mind and Gods of India

In Ka Roberto Calasso has taken the sprawling body of classical Sanskrit literature and synthesized it into a kind of novel. Though the individual passages are often dazzling little gems in their own right, the way they are worked together into a larger mosaic is just as impressive.

No motive is ever suggested," remarks a puzzled Geldner in a note on the only Vedic hymn in which Indra's attack on Usas's chariot is briefly described. I read this book in Hindi and in a day.

Ka - Roberto Calasso - Google Books

K restricts the focus to a single author, Franz Kafka ; this trend continues with Il rosa Tiepoloinspired by an adjective used by Proust to describe a shade of pink roerto by Tiepolo in his paintings. Is this book more of a sequel to the former or the latter?

ka roberto calasso

And not just because of its length: Chapter Three describes the desire of this Father for his daughter Dawn Usas. But it's weird to use the Vedas to read modernist literature, isn't it? The chapters are ordered — proceeding from the creation of the world to the Buddha, framed by Garuda and Ka — but the weave is loose and Ka doesn't have to be read cover-to-cover to be appreciated.

Before the horse died, it was allowed to wander any land it wished, protected by four hundred armed guards. But even that paradox isn't yet at the heart of Kafka's work--details don't just exist as metaphors but in a matrix of reason that can't even be simplified into Beckett's hyper-rationality.

I have a strong feeling that it would also help to have read Ka. See all books by Roberto Calasso. Kafka never chose Kafka can't be understood if he isn't taken literally. Here are the stories of the creation of mind and matter; of the origin of Death, of the first sexual union and the first parricide.

I know my wife found it a bit perverse. They write in a rich and often difficult language that takes time to get used to. It was Ananda who feared death and lusted after women. The mind desired, with a desire that was "continuous, diffuse, undefined.

Roberto Calasso

I can't judge the finer points of his rendition, but Wendy Doniger, one of the world's experts on Hinduism and mythology, describes Ka as "The very best book about Hindu mythology that anyone has ever written", a blurb understandably highlighted on the front cover. Reading this made my brain feel effervescent, and I often had to put the book down after a paragraph simply to savor what I had just read.

How can he be the child of woman? If there were actual stories or a narrative I think it would have been easier to remain engaged, but the text flowed as stream of consciousness on big, weighty, cosmological questions. Roberto Calasso born 30 May in Florence is an Italian publisher and writer. Roberto's complex and erotic style of writing might not make the book a terrific page-turner.

It is a striking extended metaphor. Well, it's probably less dense, roverto that sure does not mean it is an easy read. Calasso takes us intensely through passages of various works and Kafka's letters and journals to break down this extraordinary aesthetic.

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