Saturday, December 14, 2019


Troubleshooting The most common problem with installing OCI8 is not having the Oracle environment correctly set. Credential retrieval failed in Variables set with putenv may then cause conflicts, crashes, or unpredictable behavior. If you are behind a firewall, set PEAR's proxy, for example: If using Oracle Instant Client, then do:. If Instant Client is installed from ZIP files, make sure to create the library symbolic link first, for example ln -s libclntsh. Email required Address never made public. oci8 1.4.10 tgz

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This should apply to all the Instant Clients. The variables that might be needed are included in the following table.

Variables set with putenv may then cause conflicts, crashes, or unpredictable behavior.

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Review the previous Requirements section before configuring OCI8. PHP applications can connect to other versions of Oracle Database, since Oracle has client-server cross-version compatibility. If features of 1.10 11g client libraries are vital e. Just made this on solaris8 32bit, actually works. Sometimes Oracle doesn't cleanup shadow processes when accessed from PHP.

Someone earlier said it might have to do with UTF8. BSD nm checking whether ln -s works Here is a nice php test script: I will bring up a fresh vagrant box though and add any details from installing it that way to this post.

oci8 1.4.10 tgz

A utility ygz examine what libraries are being looked for and loaded can help resolve missing or clashing library issues, particularly on Windows. After either an automatic or manual install, edit your php. Hope this helps someone.

This is the primary variable for setting the character set and globalization information used by the Oracle libraries. The OCI8 shared extension oci8.

If the web server doesn't start or crashes at startup Check that Apache is linked with the pthread library:. If Instant Client is installed from ZIP files, make sure to create the library symbolic link first, for example ln -s libclntsh.

php - Pecl oci8 failed install after upgrade to PHP - Stack Overflow

If the web server doesn't start or crashes at startup Check that Apache is linked with the pthread library: I set selinux to permissive, once I had everything working I enabled it and troubleshooted until I got it working. This took me a lot of time to solve, so I'm placing it here for my future reference, and for somebody who finds it useful.

oci8 1.4.10 tgz

Now, the IIS configuration: On Apache add these lines to httpd. After setting the Environment variable: Run PHP configure like so: I believe I did try yum install php-pecl-oci8 but ran into another issue. I am running an Apache 1.

centos - Installing oci8 php extension - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

To complete installation of OCI8, edit php. Do not set Oracle environment variables using putenv in a PHP script because Oracle libraries may be loaded and initialized before your script runs.

oci8 1.4.10 tgz

Some notes to save somebody some grief: I had a little problem with ocilogon but only with RedHat 8. Instead, enter the actual path of the Oracle home directory.

Do not forget to do the "make clean" or the apache changes will not be picked up. I used to got ora error before doing this. I installed PHP on C:

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